In search of flowers in the Northeast

May 10, 2018

Burr Pond, CT

A walk around Burr Pond:


Nodding trillium

A closer look at nodding trillium, showing parts in threes, indicating the plant is a monocot

Painted trillium



Jack-in-the-pulpit with the protective leaf, or spathe, lifted to reveal the flowering spike, or spadix

Smallflower buttercup

Marsh Marigold

Wood horsetail


Serviceberry along the shore and near the end of it’s bloom

Highbush blueberry

Canada mayflower about to bloom

Scientific names and families:

Hobblebush/Viburnum lantanoideAdoxa Family: Adoxaceae

Nodding trillium/Trillium cernuumBunchflower Family: Melanthiaceae

Painted trillium/Trillium undulatumBunchflower Family: Melanthiaceae

Bellwort/Uvularia sessilifoliaAutumn Crocus Family: Colchicaceae

Jack-in-the-pulpit/Ariseama triphyllumArum Family: Araceae

Smallflower buttercup/Ranunculus arbortirusButtercup Family: Ranunculaceae

Marsh marigold/Caltha palustrisButtercup Family: Ranunculaceae

Wood horsetail/Equisetum sylvatica  – Horsetail Family: Equisetaceae

Bluets/Houstonia caerulea L. – Madder Family: Rubiaceae

Serviceberry/Amelanchier arborea – Rose Family: Rosaceae

Highbush blueberry/Vaccinium corymbosumHeath Family: Ericaceae

Canada mayflower/Maianthemum canadenseAspargus Family: Asparagaceae

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