In search of flowers in the Northeast

May 29, 2018

Colebrook, CT

A walk in the backyard:

Creeping phlox, showing united petals forming a tube and green sepals below the tube

Wild sarsparilla with flowering stalks beneath the leaves

Closeup of wild sarsparilla showing tiny flowers with five petals curled backward

Lady’s smock

Bluebead lily with flies as pollinators

Ground ivy


Jacob’s ladder

Blue violet



Golden Alexanders


Canada mayflower, although hard to see, this monocot has very small flowers with two sepals, two petals, and four stamens unlike most monocots that have parts in threes

Scientific names and families:

Creeping phlox/Phlox subulataPhlox Family: Polemoniaceae

Wild sarsparilla/Aralia nudicaulis L. – Ginseng Family: Araliaceae

Lady’s smock/Cardamine pratensis L. – Mustard Family: Brassicaceae

Bluebead lily/Clintonia borealisLily Family: Liliaceae

Ground ivy/Glechoma haderaceaMint Family: Lamiaceae

Chickweed/Stellaria mediaPink Family: Caryophyllaceae

Jacob’s ladder/Polemonium reptans L. – Phlox Family: Polemoniaceae

Blue violet/Viola sororiaViolet Family: Violaceae

Lungwort/Pulmonaria officinalisBorage Family: Boraginaceae

Buttercup/Ranunculus repensButtercup Family: Ranunculaceae

Golden Alexanders/Zizia aureaParsley Family: Apiaceae

Lily-of-the-valley/Convalaria majalisAsparagus Family: Asparagaceae

Canada mayflower/Maianthemum canadense – Asparagus Family: Asparagaceae



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