In search of flowers in the Northeast

July 15, 2020

Colebrook, CT

A walk in the backyard:


Blackeyed Susan

Deptford pink


St. John’s wort


Queen Anne’s lace

Scientific names and Families:

Daylily/Hemerocallis lilioasphodelusFamily: Asphodelaceae

Blackeyed Susan/Rudbeckia hirtaAster Family/Asteraceae

Deptford Pink/Dianthus armeriaPink Family/Caryophyllaceae

Fleabane/Erigeron philadelphicusAster Family: Asteraceae

St. John’s Wort/Hypericum perforatumSt. John’s Wort Family/Hypericaceae

Malva/Malva sylvestrisMalva Family: Malvaceae

Queen Anne’s Lace/Daucus carotaParsley Family/Apiaceae


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