In search of flowers in the Northeast

July 22, 2017

Brooklyn Bridge Park

A walk through the park:

Joe Pye weed, a member of the aster family, closeup shows disk flowers and no ray flowers. Fuzzy “hairs” are stigmas.


Butterfly weed

Butterfly weed closeup shows unusual arrangement of petals, corona and stamens (and ants)

Swamp Milkweed, similar to butterfly weed with an unusual arrangement of petals, corona and stamens

Hedge bindweed

Obedient plant

Obedient plant closeup shows irregular flowers characteristic of the mint family

Blue vervain

Blue vervain closeup shows slightly irregular flowers

Purple loosestrife


Glodenrod closeup shows disk and ray flowers characteristic of the aster family

Cup plant and blue vervain

Cup plant closeup

Scientific names and families:

Joe Pye Weed/Eupatorium maculataAster Family: Asteraceae

Summersweet/Clethra alnifolia L. – Family: Clethraceae

Butterfly Weed/Asclepias tuberosa L. – Dogbane Family: Apocynaceae

Swamp Milkweed/Ascelpia incarnata – Dogbane Family: Apocynaceae

Hedge Bindweed/Calystegia sepiumMorning Glory Family: Convulvaceae

Obedient Plant/Physostegia verginianaMint Family: Lamiaceae

Blue Vervain/Verbena hastataVerbena Family: Verbenaceae

Purple loosestrife/Lythrum salicariaLoosestrife Family: Lythraceae

Goldenrod/Solidago canadensisAster Family: Asteraceae

Cup Plant/Silphium perfoliatumAster Family: Asteraceae

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