In search of flowers in the Northeast

February 24, 2020

Brooklyn Heights Promenade

A walk along the Promenade:

Paperbush blooming in February. Although the Promenade still looks like winter, several plants are blooming.

NOT forsythia. This is winter blooming witch hazel and there are several along the Promenade. This shrub is a hybrid, a cross between two Asian species.

Fragrant sweetbox, native of the Himalayas, is blooming. You can often smell the fragrance to know it’s blooming before you see the tiny flowers.

Hellebores may pop through the snow to bloom.

Winter aconite. This was not on the Promenade, but down on Pier 3 in Brooklyn Bridge Park. I couldn’t help but include it in this collection of winter blooming plants.

Crocus, of course, took advantage of the warm weather in order to attract pollinators.


Scientific names and families:

Parperbush plant/Edgeworthia chrysantha – Fiber Bark Family: Thymelaeaceae

Witch hazel/Hamamelis x intermedia – Witch Hazel Family: Hamamelidaceae

Fragrant sweetbox/Sarcococca hookerianaBoxwood Family: Buxaceae

Helebore/Helleborus nigerButtercup Family: Ranunculaceae

Winter aconite/Eranthis hyemalisButtercup Family: Ranunculaceae

Crocus/Crocus sp. – Iris Family: Iridaceae

Snowdrop/Galanthus sp. – Amaryllis Family: Amaryllidaceae



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