In search of flowers in the Northeast

July 4, 2017

Brooklyn Bridge Park

A walk through the park:

Wild bergamot flowers emerging

Wild bergamot closeup shows irregular, or not radially symmetrical, flowers

Jerusalem artichoke, an aster, not from Jerusalem and not an artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke closeup reveals tiny disk flowers with five petals

Golden Alexanders

Golden Alexanders closeup reveals flowers with five petals

Saltspray rose

Wood poppy

Button bush

Button bush closeup reveals tubular flowers with four united petals

Scientific names and families:

Wild Bergamot/Monarda fistulata – Mint family/Lamiaceae

Jerusalem artichoke/Helianthus tuberosus Aster family/Asteraceae

Golden Alexanders/Zizia aureaParsley Family/Apiaceae

Saltspray Rose/Rosa rugosaRose Family/Rosaceae

Wood Poppy/Stylophorum diphyllumPoppy Family/Papaveraceae

Button Bush/Cephalanthus occidentals L. – Madder Family/Rubiaceae

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