In search of flowers in the Northeast

July 29, 2018

Brooklyn Bridge Park

A walk in the park:

Joe Pye weed


Swamp milkweed

Closeup of swamp milkweed shows each flower has five petals bending down and an unusual corona with five “hoods and beaks”

Blue vervain


Swamp rose mallow about to bloom

Obedient plant

Short-toothed mountain mint

White wood aster

Canada goldenrod

Scientific names and families:

Joe Pye weed/Eupatorium maculataAster Family: Asteraceae

Ironweed/Veronia noveborancensisAster Family: Asteraceae

Swamp milkweed/Ascelpia incarnata – Dogbane Family: Apocynaceae

Blue vervain/Verbena hastataVerbena Family: Verbenaceae

Summersweet/Clethra alnifolia L. – Family: Clethraceae

Swamp rose mallow/Hibiscus moscheutosMallow Family: Malvaceae

Obedient plant/Physostegia verginianaMint Family: Lamiaceae

Short-toothed mountain mint/Pycanthemum muticumMint Family: Lamiaceae

White wood aster/Eurybia divarcataAster Family: Asteraceae

Canada goldenrod/Solidago canadensisAster Family: Asteraceae

Comments (1):

  1. Sally Bainbridge

    July 31, 2018 at 8:14 am

    Love the Obedient Plant~it’s beautiful!


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