A walk through the park:
Ironweed, a member of the aster family with disk flowers but no ray flowers
Ironweed closeup reveals disk flowers with five united petals, two-part stigmas, and anthers that cling to the pistils. Tips of the pappus hairs, or modified sepals, can be seen toward the center.
Hydrangea with showy sterile flowers to attract pollinators and smaller, fertile flowers
Maryland golden-aster
Short’s aster
Closeup, Short’s aster
Partridge pea, a member of the pea family with five separate petals, no wings or keel, and banana-shaped stamens that point either left or right.
Red clover with distinctive three-part leaves
Spiderwort, a monocot with parts in threes
Mistflower, a member of the aster family with disk flowers only and long pistils giving it a fuzzy look
Swamp rose mallow, native to the U.S.
Scientific names and families:
Ironweed/Veronia noveborancensis – Aster Family: Asteraceae
Hydrangea/Hydrangea paniculata – Hydrangea Family: Hydrangaceae
Maryland golden-aster/Chrysopsis mariana – Aster Family: Asteraceae
Short’s aster/Symphyotrichum shortii – Aster Family: Asteraceae
Partridge-pea/Chamaecrista fasciculata – Pea Family: Fabaceae
Red clover/Trifolium pratense – Pea Family: Fabaceae
Snowberry/Symphoricarpos albus – Honeysuckle Family: Caprifoliaceae
Spiderwort/Tradesantia virginiana – Spiderwort Family: Commelinaceae
Mistflower/Conoclinium coelestinum – Aster Family: Asteraceae
Swamp rose mallow/Hibiscus moscheutos – Mallow Family: Malvaceae